Here's a new quilt I loaded yesterday. Ever hear the term, "CYA"?
Vicki's "Goodnight Irene" Quilt |
While pressing the backing I noticed these and grabbed a pic while it was being loaded. (CYA).
Flannel Discolorations |
While pressing the back of the top (I never press the top of the top), this is how some of the seams wanted to lay. Again, CYA.
Seams Every Which Way |
After getting the top loaded, I had to spend some time picking out peeking threads. These are a few of what I got out of the first row alone. CYA.
Threads Ahoy! |
But, I'm getting it done. I only passed the half-way mark last night before shutting down for the day. Nine hours total so far and this about ALL I did in the studio yesterday. I'm pretty pleased how this one is coming out though.
While changing bobbins, I was underneath checking my backing (I do with every bobbin change to make sure there are no puckers or pinches under there), I noticed my quilting. Sometimes the back is just as nice as the front of the quilt.
Underneath Goodnight Irene |
I'll work on this until it's done today. I want to deliver it tonight at the meeting and I have two other baby tops to pick up from the HH later today from another guild member.
What's funny is that I thought after the holidays things would slow down in here for customer requests. Oddly, they've actually picked up considerably. Weird. Good, (actually great), but weird.
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