RIP Joan

Today we attend a funeral. A funeral for a fellow quilt maker who was a member of our guild. Joan will be missed with her quiet demeanor and input into our group. She was who made me feel welcome the first couple of weeks as a new member two years ago and she will always have a special place in my heart for that very reason.

Yesterday was sew-in day and I made this little quilt for a college friend of Andrew and Laura's. The new little bundles name is Ian and I hope the "green and white" theme stays with him always. Congrats Ryan and Stephanie on your newest addition!

The theme of the nursery is Hundred Acre Wood. 
After coming home to an empty house, I started right in on my feathers class and yesterday we worked on the custom feather. These are a bit more "formal" in look, and I was having a really (really) hard time grasping how to make these. I probably drew 50 of them before I was ready to get on DW and give it a try.

Even after all my hand practice before, this is what I ended up with.

Custom feathers
Not very pretty are they?

I continued on practicing and did improve somewhat. They are constructed differently then the simple feathers of the other day. Our instructor became a little more fancy and added a few elements to the custom feather and here is what I ended my day with before turning off the machine.

Custom feathers with added pieces
I think I have a lot more practicing to do with these before feeling comfortable on an actual quilt.


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