Block Meander

The quilting world subscribes to a theory that "A quilt with square block patterns should be quilted with a rounder motif to assist in softening the edges and making the quilt more pleasing to the eye."

I didn't agree on this when looking at how to quilt this particular quilt top. To me it screamed block meander even though the top is a block in a block in a block in a block pattern. While I'm still honing my free motion skills, I used this opportunity to practice my ditch quilting, retracing my stitches, and keeping my corners sharp instead of more rounded.

In this particular section, you can probably identify where I rounded a few of the blocks:

Yup, in the bottom right hand corner, you can see the top of a rectangle that is indeed a bit rounded, as are most of the other corners actually.

I think, from what my sketchy mind remembers, that if I continue using my stitch regulator, this is going to be a constant issue. If I were to switch to precision mode on my machine, I could probably get a better corner but was too nervous to switch the machine out because I didn't want to rip out stitches.

Here is the overall result, which to me is doable. This quilt will be offered for sale, and chances of the recipient knowing that the squares are not precisely square are slim, so I am okay with that and chalk another quilt up to my learning repertoire.


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