This practice piece has finally been pulled from DW. I feel like I need to get back down to business and I have a customer quilt that eventually needs to get on my machine so it was time to cease the fun.
Actually, long-arming is fun! Doing practice pieces only reinforces what I need to work on and what I feel I can put into a customer quilt with confidence. I feel, like anything else done seriously, that it is constantly evolving and the work never stops when it comes to learning new motifs or techniques.
The scribbly one is called Cat Hairball; too funny! |
My first solo feather |
Since it was Tuesday, another addition to
The First Snow was completed.
Week #8 |
And then I played with a few more Amish Star blocks; another four were added to the pile. I think I'm up to about 36 of them, and need a total of 54, so I have a fair dent into my goal.
I was still steaming along after all of this and actually did a little more appliqué for my gardening quilt. I didn't take a pic of those pieces since they are strewn all about on my pressing table.
After getting where I wanted to be there for the day, I tackled a much needed quilt project. I have two (yes two) charity quilts sitting around here. One of them had a backing that was too short; the other currently does not have a back at all!
I made an executive decision. I need to just get into my own stash and get some backs made so that I can get them out of my studio! They need to be delivered tomorrow night so I can free up some room in here. They've been hanging around for nearly two months and frankly, to my way of thinking, that is just way too long!
Here is the first one off DW last night.
Charity Quilt #6 for the year |
I like how I quilted this inside the star |
I have to get the binding on this one today and then get it labeled before I start on the second one this afternoon. Hopefully, I'll reach my goal and be able to get these outta here by tomorrow!!!!
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