It's sunny out there, but ccccoooolllddd!
Chad and my mom are coming for a visit today. Ben and Alisha didn't make it out last night (he's on call this weekend), but they should be out later today to join in the fun. Needless to say, with all the visitors, I probably won't get much accomplished in here. I have to finish my blogging and run around and do the flight of the bumblebee to remove at least one layer of dust on things.
Here's what happened yesterday in the studio:
1) Dog Beds. I got eight shells completed and one of the little ones stuffed. Maybe today I can solicit some help and get these done.
Dog Beds |
I got both of my Stitcher's Garden blocks done as well as my homework for next month.
Month Five |
While I was on the phone with my good friend Carol R. I completed the above blocks, but she informed me a new Ugly Sweater block posted on Thursday. I missed it because it was further down in the blog with the patterns. After searching (and finally locating) said missing post, I completed my fourth block in the series.
These are so darn cute! |
Absolutely no long arming yesterday, which is sad. Maybe after everybody leaves tonight I'll be able to get a little in, but I'm not holding my breath.
Time to get cleaning. YUCK!
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