Miserable Fail!

I think I've mentioned before that I love to take classes. I love to learn new techniques and ways to do things. I thought this weekend would be no different.

We had regular sew-in on Friday, but I didn't do much because the fabric squares I brought in to piece together into some kind of charity quilt turned out to be crap. Mom got the box and the fabrics at some yard sale last year and thought maybe I could do something with it. They were horrible grades of fabric and I decided they would be better served as dog bed stuffing.

Saturday was a zippered purse-type thing class. I need to come to grips that I pretty much suck at sewing. Actually, I've not been given adequate instruction on how to sew and what some of the sewing terms/actions are, so I'm lost most of the time. Admitting confusion just adds to the already irritated state I'm in and so I just don't ask questions and continue on my own. Which, I found out yesterday, was not the right thing to do.

I have two half finished projects that I will probably never finish. The amount of friction and stress of yesterdays class pretty much turned me off of sewing altogether. Which is sad because there are so many things I'd like to sew. I think if the sewing projects nears quilt-like quality or appearance, I'll be okay, but until I receive some beginner sewing instruction(s), I'm better off staying away.

I love making quilts. But I love to change things up at times too. Maybe I need to seek out other quilt-making situations (like art quilts, or portrait quilts) rather then sewing "things".

No pics to show for my dismal days and I'll just move along in what it is I can actually do and feel confident in doing.

On another note...Mike had to go into the shop on Thursday afternoon. He was starting to skip stitches for no apparent reason. Gall said they were slow at the moment and could probably get him done in a few days. Jim picked him up yesterday and we'll give him a whirl today catching up on three days worth of studio chores.


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