First and foremost, a very Happy Birthday to my best friend. He's 54 today and because of him, I get to do what it is I love to do all day...QUILT! Thank you Papa for all you do for me, and the rest of the family!!!
Before noon yesterday I completed the borders on Night Stars.
Night Stars Completed Top |
I prepared the binding for Andrew's t-shirt quilt.
Binding ready to go |
And, I basted down the Stitcher's Garden top.
Basting the top |
After lunch I actually started to quilt. There are a LOT of thread changes in this piece, so quilting it in a few days is probably not going to happen. In fact, with all the activities coming up in the next few weeks, it will probably be on the long arm until well after the Christmas holiday. Which is fine actually. It's nice to look at for a while.
Stitcher's Garden is FINALLY on DW |
After I tired of standing at the long arm and changing out threads I moved on to something sewing-ish. I don't have a whole lot to exchange with my mom on Christmas morning, and I thought she might like a smaller version of the tree I made earlier this year since she's donating her tree to our guild. This is what I made for her last evening.
O, Christmas Tree |
I still have to add the bells to it, but I have to get some to actually add them. I'll pick those up later today when I run into town for our last guild meeting of the year and put them on during our show and tell time.
I have to run to the bakery and the card shop before I get started in here know, birthday stuff. I may quilt some more. I may sew something. I must get ready for this weekend and will have to fit that into my day somewhere. It's a scattered day but will be sure to get some quilting in there somehow.
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