I finished the first four sets of the Selvedge Pinwheel blocks. I haven't sewn the 12" blocks together yet because I don't know which configuration I like best. What do you think?
Here's the first one (which I'm leaning towards).
Example #1 |
I like this one the second best, but don't know if it's getting too busy. Remember, I have five more colors to add into this whole quilt top, so after adding in all the colors, it may become too...???
Example #2 |
I decided to play some more on the design wall and came up with color wheel opposites. This third one is fun, but very little secondary design???
Example #3 |
The last play session gave me a one pinwheel blade off-set. I don't see a secondary design in this one so much so I'm not too sure.
Example #4 |
The nice thing about design walls is you can play around with something you create from your own fabrics. Let me know what strikes your fancy. I'd be very interested to know!!
After playing with quilt blocks, I started playing with quilting options on Total Eclipse. I have some see through plastic I use with my dry erase markers to play around with design options for quilting. I like some pieces of one, and other pieces of another, and have come to the conclusion it really doesn't matter and to just get on with it already. The batiks are pretty busy within the background (which is where I'm struggling to fill) and I don't think it will matter what I really put in there.
After procrastinating on this quilt I think I'll finally just get to it and dive in. I'm really nervous about the quilting in this piece because it is so beautiful already and messing it up just isn't on my fun things to do list.
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