I'm home. I'm tired. I'm ready for another fun filled weekend with all my quilting friends already!
Here's a bit of what I did this weekend.
First stop was to make a Bingo card (because I forgot mine here at the house). That was a nice warmer-upper to dig into something Friday afternoon/evening.
I completed the charity quilt Friday night before heading off to bed. This is it already to get put on the long arm once I obtain batting at Thursday guild meeting.
Friday Night's Charity Quilt |
I started working on my July Arcadia Avenue Friday night and completed it on Saturday morning before heading off to lunch. The rest of Saturday was spent working another set of Selvedge Pinwheels in green this time.
July Arcadia Avenue and One More pinwheel set |
Sunday I started digging into Radiant Suns (aka Twirly Quilt). I accomplished 35 blocks before heading off to bed last night.
Radiant Suns...the pile |
I still have a lot of these blocks to build, but they go together fairly easy, but patience and slow sewing with all those curves.
This morning I continued with what fabric I had cut out here at the studio and only got two more done before running out of cuts. I then moved back into Selvedge Quilt mode starting on the reds.
Starting the red Selvedge Quilt Blocks |
The quilt fairies were extremely generous this year. This is most of what I received minus a stiletto and a cute machine pincushion which were camera shy at the time of picture taking.
Quilt Fairy Gifts! |
A lot of laughter, some tears, some frustration, and way too much fun! Can't wait for next year (already).
You're going to have to wait longer than Thurs. night to get that batting.... unless Linda has enough scraps that you can piece together to fit your need. If she doesn't, you'll have to wait til the next sew in. : )