I was able to actually complete some of the tasks mentioned earlier this week.
Here is the new Arcadia Avenue block called Northern Lights.
Northern Lights |
This block looks pretty good by itself, but look at it with the other two blocks.
Three Arcadia Avenue Blocks |
After ripping papers off and constructing the Northern Lights block it was time to move over to the long arm. I really miss it when I don't get to long arm on those crazy run-around days.
My goal was to get this piece finished prior to going to our guild meeting and I made it with about a half hour to spare.
Blue Polka Dot String Quilt |
It's really, really heavy. Because the strings are put onto a piece of muslin during construction it adds yet another layer to the quilt. It wouldn't seem like this would add so much weight, but lugging it around last night was an eye opener. It'll certainly be warm for somebody to snuggle under during those chilly evenings.
Today was errand day. I purchased something called a VersaTool made by Handi Quilter specifically designed for DW and my new table. Now I'll be able to ditch and straight-line quilt! (The similar tool purchased earlier was too thick for my hopping foot so it wasn't working out at all).
We have several things coming up during our guild year; a BOM, construction of our own quilt blocks/quilt top, a challenge, a brown bag project, dolly quilts, and more. My head was swimming during my drive home but it all sounds like a lot of fun. Hey, anything with quilts is a lot of fun, right?
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