I have an amazing son. Actually, I have three, but in this case, the big kid is today's ribbon winner! He's the result of why Mack has come back to life.
We don't know how long Mack will last since he is now six years old, but we'll take what we can while we save for a replacement.
Here's a little of what's been going on the past few days.
Stringing the new drying frame |
An up-close pic of what Jim built for drying the quilts. |
The back of my whole cloth quilt. |
Carol's 20 blocks |
UFO Projects purchased at auction last Thursday |
It's so good to finally post some pics of what I'm talking about!
I tried to get a pic of the Stitcher's Garden blocks, but the sun is shining pretty bright this morning and they are in a location where the rays slant over the top of them, so a pic wasn't going to happen.
Yesterday the WHOLE day was spent washing quilts, getting the computer back on his feet, and working on the whole cloth quilt. I'll continue with washing and whole cloth quilting today. I may venture into some other project since I have the whole day to "play" in here and it feels oh so good!
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