One Down...

...One more to go. This took me WAY longer then it should have. Probably because I had to run to Portland to get more quilting thread to complete it.

Betsy's Paint Chip
DW did not do this piece. I still have that charity quilt on him to see whether I fixed him correctly, and honestly, did not want to struggle through any issues he may/may not have had. It would have been quicker to deal with any issues he may have had rather then trying to turn this project every which way while ditch quilting, but it's done and we're moving on.

Barbs is next. I don't thing I'll be able to get it on the long arm either. I still have the charity loaded, and hers is smaller then the total throat space on the frame. I'd have to add extensions to it and blah, blah, blah. I'll just tackle that one under Mike today too. It's square so it should not be as much trouble as Betsy's was.

And that's the way it is. Sunday, October 2nd, 2016.


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