Still Nothing

Since the weather here in our great mitten state has been unseasonably warm (mid to upper 70's all week), I found the need to clean my yard rather then doing any quilting. It's amazing how, after even a mild winter, the amount of debris found in just the front yard alone that needed to be raked and hauled away. Our great red oak tree pooped a lot of sticks and bark this year, not to mention the acorns. Holy cow, the acorns!

The weather is supposed to hang in there for another week, and since my yard is divided into about seven sections, I don't see where I'm going to be getting Laura back out anytime soon. Unfortunately. I have three sections done, but still have the whole backyard to do and much of the west side. It's nice to look at during the summer and winter months, but fall and spring bring a LOT of work where they are concerned. Having this many trees/bushes/flowers/plants in a yard creates a lot of work. The upside. I'm losing all the winter pudge (again) as I work, work, work.


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